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- 교수 2차전지소재
- 김영준
- 031-299-4164
- yjkim68@skku.edu
- 제2종합연구동 2층 83278호실
Nanomaterials for Rechargeable Batteries
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- 031-299-4162
- yhkim94@skku.edu
Part. 1 Protein-based materials: Non-biodegradable, conductive and bio-compatible protein-based gel / Extracellular matrix-mimetic protein-based environment / Controlling gel properties for biosensor and drug delivery, Part. 2 Supramolecular self-assembly: Coiled-coil based self-assemble supramolecule modularization / Protein-directed self-assembly of a fullerene crystal, Part. 3 Cell behavior control using protein: Multi-functional Mussel Adhesive Protein (MAP) library / Regulating cell activity and morphology using functional proteins
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- 부교수
- 배완기
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- 교수 차세대 에너지, 나노촉매, 반도체공정
- 백정민
- 031-290-7409
- jbaik97@skku.edu
- 제2공학관25동 2층 25219호실
에너지하베스팅, 나노촉매(수소생산 및 탄소저감), 반도체공정(이미지센서)
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- 031-299-4168
- yjsong@skku.edu
- 제2종합연구동 2층 83274호실
Electronic Structure Study in Sub-nm & Atomic Scale Optical Interaction Study in Sub-μm Scale Synthesis & Devices of Graphene-based 2D Nano-materials
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- 부교수 전기수력학
- 안성필
- 031-299-4165
- esan@skku.edu
- 제2종합연구동 2층 83204호실
전기수력학 기술 기반 공정 및 소재 - 나노섬유 기초 및 응용 기술 - 차세대 이차전지 기술 - 반도체 클린 공정 - 바이오메디칼 필터/멤브레인/패치 기술
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- 031-299-4169
- leesj@skku.edu
- 제2종합연구동 2층 83272호실
차세대 반도체 로직, 메모리 소재/소자 개발 극박막 나노소재 및 하이브리드 이종접합 구조 제조 기술 신기능 나노소재를 활용한 미래 ICT 정보 연산/저장/전송 소자 개발 새로운 원리의 전자/광전 소자 개발
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- 부교수 차세대 태양전지, 반도체 소자
- 이진욱
- 2022 SKKU Fellowship
- 031-299-4167
- jw.lee@skku.edu
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- 031-299-4172
- yongtaik@skku.edu
Immunobioengineering for Cancer Immunotherapy Engieered Biomaterials for the Control of Immunity Biomaterials-based molecular imaging contrast agents
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- 부교수 화학, 재료공학, 광전소자
- 전일
- 031-299-4187
- il.jeon@spc.oxon.org
- 제2종합연구동 2층 83230호실
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- 교수 이론응집물질물리
- 황의헌
- 031-299-4163
- euyheon@skku.edu
Surface plasmons in nanostructures and Application to Plasmonics Ultrafast electronic processes in low dimensional semiconductor nanostructures 2D Magnetic Materials: MPX3 Optical and transport properties, hot-electron relaxation, many-body effects in graphene and related systems (nanoribbon, graphite)