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Crisis, Disaster and Risk Management (Interdisciplinary)

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
ECA5932 GIS & Application 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Civil, Architectural and Environmental System Engineering - No
The goals of GIS & Application are to teach the basic theory and to provide the application ability of GIS in a wide range of scientific and engineering projects. It deals with the followings; basic theory of GIS, maps and spatial data, hardware and software for GIS, the capture and processing of spatial data sets, data structure and storage strategy, database system, practices and application.
ECA5935 Introduction of Adjustment Computation 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Civil, Architectural and Environmental System Engineering - No
Hilbert space approach to adjustment, uni- and multivariate statistical testing; approximation, prediction, filtering; constraint functions; weighted parameters.
ECA5941 GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Theory and Applications 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Civil, Architectural and Environmental System Engineering - No
Overview of space positioning and navigation systems; concepts and general description. GNSS signal description. Receiver and antenna characteristics and capabilities; signal measurements indoor; GNSS error sources and biases; atmospheric delays, signal reflection and countermeasures. Mathematical models for static point and relative positioning. Kinematic single point and differential post mission and real time positioning, navigation and location. Augmentation methods. Land, marine, airborne and indoor applications. Case studies.
ECA5944 Business Continuity Planning (BCP) with GIS 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Civil, Architectural and Environmental System Engineering - No
GIS has been recognized as a powerful tool for developing effective BCPs due to the geographic nature of the data and models. GIS helps businesses develop an effective plan by addressing the following: Damage assessment and repair during emergencies, Employee (and family) notification, Evacuation, Facilities management, Mitigation strategy development, Office relocation, Supply chain assessment, Threat assessment, Vulnerability analysis, Weather mapping.
ECA5952 Cartography and Map Projection 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-8 Civil, Architectural and Environmental System Engineering Korean Yes
Cartography is a complex, an ever-changing field, but at the center of it is the map-making process. Viewed in the broadest sense, this process includes everything from the gathering, evaluation and processing of source data, through the intellectual and graphical design of the map, to the drawing and reproduction of the final document. map projection is a systematic transformation of the latitudes and longitudes of locations on the surface of a sphere or an ellipsoid into locations on a plane. Map projections are necessary for creating maps. All map projections distort the surface in some fashion. This subject deals with map-making theory and practice and map projection theory minimizing distortion.
ECO4001 Macroeconomics Ι 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master 3-4
Economics Korean,Korean Yes
Based on both static and dynamic analysis of macroeconomics, this course covers research-oriented contents of macroeconomic models, monetary economy, micro foundations of private sectors, macroeconomic policy, and new macroeconomic theory developed recently.
ECO4002 Microeconomics Ι 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master 3-4
Economics English,Korean Yes
The course is on the basic price theory. It strongly emphasizes both formulation and solving of mathematical models and development of economic intuitions. The topics include consumer and producer behavior, theory of competitive and noncompetitive markets, and welfare economics. The course will cover both partial and general equilibrium models.
ECO5001 Macroeconomics Ⅱ 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Economics Korean Yes
The purpose of this lecture is based on microfoundation, to analyse macroeconomic issues such as employment, income, unemployment, consumption, investment, growth, money. Especially the role of intertemporal substitution, asymmetric information transactions cort is focused.
ECO5002 Macroeconomic Seminar Ι 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Economics - No
This seminar course introduces recent research trends of macroeconomics, and gives problem-based & discussion-oriented lectures for Ph.D candidates through presenting thesis agenda and research topics.
ECO5003 Seminar on Macroeconomics Ⅱ 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Economics Korean Yes
Ph.D students who plan to write thesis on macroeconomics area should attend the seminar. At the seminar students should present & review assigned papers. Outside scholars may visit and give lecture of seminar.
ECO5031 Microeconomics Ⅱ 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Economics Korean Yes
This course is intended to teach students economic theories related to uncertainty, incomplete information, and asymmetric information. First, students learn the expected utility theory and choice under uncertainty. Second, they learn how to solve games of incomplete and asymmetric information. Third, they study topics such as moral hazard, adverse selection, signaling and screening.
ECO5072 Environmental Economics 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Economics - No
The course deals with the ways that economic analyses can be applyied to environmental problems. The environmental problems ranging from domestic to international dimensions will be covered. The topics include pollution as externalities, valution of environmental ambients and social costs of pollution damages, and benifit/cost analysis of various environmental policy measures.
ECO5086 Financial Engineering 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Economics - No
This course provides students with the basic concepts of financial engineering and essential econometrics tools that are necessary to do advanced research in financial economics. In the first part, the concept of arbitrage-free asset pricing in a simple discrete time model is introduced and followed by the theories of stochastic processes, Ito calculus and diffusion models. The second part consists of the developments of Feynman-Kac representation and Girsanov theorem for the rigorous derivation of Black-Scholes option pricing formula.
ECO5089 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory Ι 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Economics - No
Rather than teaching general macroeconomics, The purpose of this lecture is, to tackle specific macroeconomic agenda such as market failure, unenployment, buliness cycle, macroimplication of the before students should understand macroeconomics indepth.
ECO5090 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory Ⅱ 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Economics - No
This subject focuses advanced tops of macroeconomics consisting of new economic growth theory, new business cycle theory, and new keynesian economics, and develops research abilities on macroeconomic analysis.