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Global Smart City

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
ADD5044 Research Seminar in Urban Planning Ⅲ 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Architecture - No
The coirse as a second stage of independent study for Ph.D. student is programmed in order to further concentrate and develop each interesting field which relates with the subject of dissertation. It also, like the program of Research Seminar in Urban Planning 2, is important to pre-discuss and decide both the content and expected out-put of the research with professor.
ADD5052 Revitalization of Modern Architecture 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Architecture - No
In this course, proper methods how to preserve and reuse the modern-style buildings, which were constructed during the last century, are examined. The value of modern architecture'll be estimated and the ways how to survey and excavate remaining constructions will be explored. Students can understand in depth how to reuse those buildings and realize sustainable architectural technologies through the broad domestic and foreign case studies in this course.
ADD5053 Theory of City and Regional Architecture 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Architecture Korean Yes
Tradition of region and form of architecture are tied in inseparable relationship. Through the history of architecture, therd has been also constant controversy concerning their proper inter-relationship. In this course, we will put on table again the long historical argument, and grope not only for new way of speculation but also for design method through examing the worldwide regional-architects.
ADD5054 Architectural Theory of 17-18 Century in Europe2 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Architecture - No
In this course, our discuss will be focused on scientific contemplation of 17-8C which strongly influenced to the theory of architectural form. Especially, the theme will be about how the way of thinking has been differently changed from the before and how has influenced to architectural form and style until the contemporary. The course requires the critical discussion between students.
ADD5063 Urban Design Theory 2 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Architecture - No
This is an introduction to different theoretical approaches to urban design, using both historical and contemporary examples. Emphasis will be placed on th perceptual/formal analysis of urban spaces, including the investigation of the urban design cases and issues in major cities in Korea.
ADD5076 Design Informatics 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Architecture - No
This course deals with core theories and methodologies for computer-integrated intelligent design and automated construction, such as object-oriented design and analysis, parametricism, design information exchange, performance optimization. Case studies on major architectural implementations are accompanied with the survey of cutting-edge digital tools and technologies. Lectures and seminars are organized according to the selection of timely topics.
ADD5079 Introduction to Urban Design 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Architecture - No
According to the given planning program, the course leads to design practice which requires to systemize a spatial form of city or specific region. During the desugn process, the functional solution of urban space will be critically discussed on the basis of legal requirements and other importanct planning matters.
ADD5083 Smart Space Design 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Architecture - No
The 4th industrial revolution (a.k.a. Digital Transformation) and the advances in smart city development lead to the experimentation of smart space as a test-bed platform. This involves the convergence of Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, New Media, and Smart Material. The design of smart space where the border between the physical and the virtual disappears, requires novel concepts and technologies along with innovative methodologies. This course aims to design the smart space per se, and proposes future directions through the surveys and analysis of cases and related technologies.
ADD5084 Architecture and Media 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-8 Architecture - No
This course discusses theoretical foundations of digital architecture by investigating the relationships between architecture and media. The lecture and seminar will: - examine the nature of media as tools by analyzing contemporary architectural practices reflected in movies. - explore the virtuality and actuality of digital tools in the process of investigating the architectural possibilities enabled by major digital technologies such as computer graphics, parametric design, generative design and 3d-printing. - investigate various architectural realizations: urban media surface as interface, augmented place, smart homes, virtual reality, mixed reality where the border between architecture and media blurs. The students will discuss the directions fo future architecture based on the above investigations.
ADD5085 Theory of Site Planning 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-8 Architecture - No
Introduction to site planning and landscape design, covering the factors of siteanalysis and planning, related to specific programs and activities.
ADD5087 planning law 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Architecture Korean Yes
Urban planning intrinsically restricts private property rights to pursue public interest. This class deals with various laws and legal theories in regulating urban space and architecture. By doing so, it will have graduate students understand and analyze the legal issues in the area of the constitution, administrative law, and civil law.
ADD5089 Community Design Studio 1 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-8 Architecture - No
This course recognizes the importance of “community” in urban and architectural design and deals with the characteristics of “sound and healthy community” and its establishment. Especially, this course aims to discover how to set up appropriate program and spatial composition for specific tenants group (residents) for the planning of their housing.
ADD5090 Community Design Studio 2 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Architecture - No
This course recognizes the importance of “community” in urban and architectural design and deals with the characteristics of “sound and healthy community” and its establishment. Especially, this course aims to discover how to set up appropriate program and spatial composition for specific tenants group (residents) for the planning of their housing.
CHS5003 Social Simulation based on Agent-based Modeling 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Challenge Semester - No
The real world system consists of environment and various agents which are some kinds of objects. Each agent decides and acts according to its own decision process, and the system shows complex behaviors through interactions between the components (environment and agents). The social simulation using agent-based modeling is used to mimic the social phenomena (behaviors from interactions between agents), and used in various fields such as transportation, public health, and national defense industry. This course aims to learn the concepts and examples of social simulation using agent-based modeling. focusing on basic probability and statistics, population synthesis, agent-based modeling methodology, and the epidemic simulation.
CHS5005 AI Startup and Entrepreneurship 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Challenge Semester - No
Recent years have witnessed a rapid increase in the number of so-called AI startups with AI as their core value, as the scope of AI's application across all industries has expanded significantly. This is gaining popularity not only in Korea, but globally as well. However, there are no theoretical or empirical guidelines regarding the entrepreneurial skills and business models that AI startups in a hypercompetitive market should possess. It is extremely harsh for those AI startups that are actually traditional businesses dressed up to look like they use AI to to succeed in a very competitive market. For AI startups with inadequate business acumen, gaining a foothold on the market is also a daunting task. By focusing on the following three goals, henceforth, this course aims to assist the growing number of AI startups with their challenges. Firstly, it categorizes the various possible business models for AI startup companies. Secondly, it then examines some of the most prominent domestic and international cases to illustrate the various types of entrepreneurship that AI startups require to thrive. Thirdly, a hypothetical AI startup is created, on a team basis, using real-world software such as Landbot, Stable Diffusion, and a number of no-code ML/DL (machhine learning/deep learning). Then its business model and entrepreneurship are established; and its efficacy is evaluated.